sometimes when we get acquainted with someone, we can barely stand them.
we find their jokes irritating, nonsensical and can barely be in the same room..

after a year, even though we are still very much keen on getting into each other's nerves, we slowly find ways to get into each other's nerves in a funny way.
something that goes from: I HATE U BITCH, U DIE!!!
to: HATE U BITCH!!!, with a really big grin on the face
from not being able to stand him anymore to, if i dont irritate u a day, it feels incomplete...
after that, just when u think that u like him, he says something that makes you so freaking angry and want to cut all ties with him....
no matter how much u ignore him afterwards and try to embarass him, he always comes back with a way that u can help but to it a gesture, a joke, a wink, sexual smile...anything that goes that u just cant conceal the smile within...
whats worse, he keeps doing this until u eventually give in...even if it means scolding the crap out of him...
he is that persistant..
he always knows what to say to make u smile when u have a shitty day. something that u can always rethink and would make u smile again and again...
he is someone you get to be yourself, get to fool around with and yet he still knows how to cheer u up.

slowly, he reveals his layers....without even trying..
he shows how passionate he is about helping the unfortunate, collecting donation for the orphans, helping out a friend and handicapped, leading a blood donation drive, arranging for tuition classes for poor students, taking the extra step to ensure that the donated food reaches the children properly and so on>>tip of the iceberg
he calls occasionally to check on you after tragic event, not like some other assholes who pretend to check on you just to enroll u in a stupid seminar.....
so it is very confusing when someone who is so irritating slowly morphes into someone who is............
who is so attractive..
when and how it happened i do not know..
is he gay??
he one of those funny, friendly guys who gets away with saying anything from factual to porny...
gets away shaking his butt in the office just to win an argument, wears coloured contact lenses and tight pants...
what does mean when he has asked me about my sexuality on numerous counts?
how about hinting that he shaves his pubes?
or even that he has 7 inches!!
>>> The things i have to go through daily at work!

well the last few months have been trying and he has been around through the thick and thins...
maybe he is just a really friendly and good person
or maybe he is just that much interested in me...
how do i tell for sure??
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