a cute doctor told me today: i was just thinking about you today in the clinic and it has been a while since you posted an article at your blog. is everything allright?
it was short. it was brief but it was the exact thing that i had to hear to make me warm and cosy inside. we are yet to meet. exchanged a few messages in planetromeo and it feels really good that someone shows a random act of kindness.
ok, too much mushy and pinky stuff is not good for health..we are butch and burly! ROAR!!!
how many of us pee in the urinal? more often than not, even if there is plenty of urinals available, i find myself reaching out for the cubicle.
if we are talking about stereotypes, can we say that gay men have higher tendency to go to the urinals? well, i think it has been well established that i would be included in the stereotypes and im going to prove it is not a gay think.. CURIOUS, read on..!
im sure that i am not alone in this case. my good friend that i have come out to recently also pees in the cubicle.
in fact, he has never ever peed at the urinals. i have. if i find that there is no one at the loo, i have no problems doin it at the urinal..
i cant speak for himself but i am pretty clear about doing it in the cubicle and this is why:
or, wait a sec, lets me put a little more thought into this.
its not that i hav enever ever peed in the urinal and no i dont think its haunted or i am a neat prick like the lady from desperate housewives or monica who has to clean the toilet 47 times a day...i have no problem with that. in fact i cant remember the last time i cleaned the toilet in my room.. (too much information!)
i have done it in my office, rest area in the highway and everywhere else where people have urinals..but when there is no one else there...
the reason i reach out to the cubicle (still speaking for myself) is because i have my 'junk' nicely 'encased' and tugged into place, completely sealed off from showing any accidental erection.
yes ACCIDENTAL erection because im not a perve having an erection 24-7. so after unwrapping, wrapping it back and putting it into its place can take a while..and it has to be put in a specific location otherwise i couldnt stand up when a cute guy in slacks bends over. fine, im a little pervy!
while it could be possible for some race (who have smaller, shorter penises, no offense) to pee pee, shake shake and throw it back into the underwear (lucky bastards!!>>or not??)
i could never park it upstraight. if i did the head would pop out of my pants...
besides, i hate pee residue in my underwear. by the time i reach home and want to change, the smell can be quite ....quite not to my preference.
although i have been told that the smell is a turn on for some...>>not for me!
there is also something else that id like to consider. a good shake ..
and NO im NOT talking about masturbating in the office (could i have done that before???)
shaking off here means extracting all the liquid from the long tube (size and length may vary from tube to tube)..
so, seriously i dont think its really a gay thing.
its more like the dilemma faced by some people who just have to put it, wrap it and place it in a certain way...and since it takes a while to get it right. peeing in the cubicle could be the best thing that these (me!) people can do...its not rocket science..just facts.
the next time u see a guy going to the cubicle, dont be too quick to judge.and tell yourself:
he might just have bigger, longer junk than you..
while one doctor triggered this post, i ended up calling another one by the time i finished writing this post..i think he has concluded this post...
p.s: he pees at the urinal...ermm what could this possibly mean??
only one way to find out.
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