I find men to be attractive and not ashamed of it..

I find men to be attractive and not ashamed of it..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Speedbump. Should I be Excited or Worried?

when i first joined this company from one that was of a totally different field, i was very enthused. motivated and wanted to achieve everything in the sun. i was very hardworking, diligent and had no guidance from my superior.

i resorted to asking my senior colleagues for guidance. they were helpful and at the same time were doing things differently from my superior. 

when i ask my boss about the things i dont understand, he remains silent...without a reaction!

when i ask further, he makes his shit face...

oh, by the way he has shitty face on a regular basis, im beginning to think its genetics. he doesnt seem to have a lot of friends. probably because he thinks he knows better than the rest of the world.>>not true!

this was going on for sometime...

ASK THE OTHER SUPERIORS DUDE, i can almost hear that....the trend in my company is that the moment we ask someone else, the news goes to the immediate superior faster than lightning and we would be subjected to 'unpleasant' interview by the shitty face! 

then one day, i told myself that i am not going to ask anything from this useless shitty face. im going to learn everything by myself and going to be better than him..

plus not having a shitty face makes me a pleasant person..with brains i would be unreputed! (theme song playing in the background)...! 

that was 3 years ago.. 
what changed over the years? independence. not thinking shit face knows all. working things out and able to make decisions to a certain extend... final approval still comes from the management aka shit face. 

i dont refer or ask him unless its absolutely necessary...

ok fine!. tell me what are the characteristics of a good boss...no! im not talking about teaching stuff. we are not in school anymore. working environment is a dog eat dog world. i get that. im not expecting a special treatment. 

a boss is not necessarily a person who teaches stuff. but he is definitely one that can lead to the correct way of doing things. at least tell me where i can get the information to get the work done. not leaving the documents on my desk and expect me to resolve the issues magically.. am i a magician or something? stupid shit face...

TELL HIM U NEED HELP DUDE, can almost hear that too...you would think i dont say it. i have asked, admitted that i dont know certain things to an extend to emailing him and cc to other boss since he becomes deaf to my questions. but i guess its true. once a shit face always a shitface. not capable of anything more than shit...he ignores it.

one fine day he told me: i see you diligently doing your work and i am getting worried that you might overtake me.

the first time shit face said it, i took it as a joke. second time, i wasnt smiling. third time i asked myself: why would he be worried when he has been doing the job for 20+ years and is an associate director. ive just joined the company recently.

i must look likea superman to him, for him to be threatened.

should i be excited or worried?

that his apparent fear might interfere with my learning process and progress......? or maybe all the defensiveness is just a reflection of him not knowing that much of what he is doing thus he escapes from my questions to avoid saying he is not sure or dont know...

honestly, i think one can only run for so long. there will be a time when he has to face me. the longer it is, the more humiliating it would be..

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