That 'unexpected' hairy incident was a shocking one. i still could not recover from it. it was so shocking that my hands never made the lobster claw again...
6. one of my most obvious weakness would be underwear. hold that thought... one of many GAY MEN's OBVIOUS WEAKNESS WOULD BE UNDERWEAR.
there has always been an endless fascination with the pink triangle area. ive been 'tempted' with nude pictures focussing on the penis and ass area assuming that that is the single most attractive thing in the world that would make me say YES to anything!!
err what the hell was that about?? i have penis and ass too. im not bragging but mine looks pretty awesome. but theres a fine line between being sexy, vulgar and disgusting.
its ok to be gay. but never is to be CHEAP. showing bare ass and dick to absolute stranger is definitely cheap, or at least i think it is. well, coming back to the topic, theres just something about underwear that makes me go gaga.
my personal choice would be square cut ones. it shows enough flesh, enough coverage, doesnt restrict the movement of johnny little, can park it up, park it down, its all good. changing in gym becomes easy.
u might be wondering why thats an issue. well i go to public gym, so there isnt really any locker room provided, so square cut comes to the rescue (or is square cut the driving factor to lure me to the gym..ill let u think abt that for a while).
when my shorts are 'short' enough and i start doing my squats or lie flat on my back, i give people a little treat of whats hiding unside my square cuts, especially when im at sweaty and it sticks like a secind skin....SLUTTT!!
i think most people can pull off square cuts. lets say u have a jungle of pubic hair, choosing the most effective way to keep the jungle trim and neat will not be an issue. theres enough coverage provided with square cuts.
thongs i think would not be a chubby man's best friend. theres very little left for the imagination and flabby skin with mere strings holding the 'stuff' in place could be quite a turn off to many. unless thats one of your fetish, i rest my case.
i think the most bugging thing when it comes to thongs for me woulf be the feeling of something stuck between my but cheeks. HOW TO SURVIVE WHOLE DAY FEELING LIKE THAT?
jockstraps i think would be thongs distant cousin and g-strings are thongs twins. i really dont know the difference between the last two. they all fall into the same category. lean, defined, smooth, muscular guys can pull it off....the rest of the world, not highly recommended.
bikinis....seriously???isnt that a woman's underwear?? that sounds so gay doesnt it!!! so lets not go into that.
Curated Cocks: Introducing Allen Walker
16 hours ago
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