I find men to be attractive and not ashamed of it..

I find men to be attractive and not ashamed of it..

Friday, November 19, 2010

I Hit 4 Digits...

i am feeling proud of myself today. 

despite feeling completely exhausted and falling almost asleep at my desk due to all the travelling up and down to kl in the past few days and still managed to do my target workout, all enthused and eager, but that is not exactly the reason for it..

i have chaired a meeting all by myself when my boss aeroplaned the meeting, attended by fellow contractors and the meeting turning out to be a huge success, standing by myself depending not only my decisions but also managed to withhold the company's integrity...hmmm not quite the reason for it..

i managed to shift to my new office, organize it, and sort out big chunk of work by the end of the day....turned out to be indeed a productive day.....but that is not the main reason for it..

later at night, preparing a healthy wholesome dinner with all the nutrients in it, protein, fibre, vitamin, carbs.etc etc..well not quite the reason yet..

how about my cute colleague attempting to have chats whenever he passed by my room in quite an obvious way .hmmm exciting! but not the reason too.

well today, my blog has reached its first 4 digit viewers..that is for me a reason to be quited pleased about the way it turned out...ok ok!!!

its not like the one millionth hit. but to write about my thoughts and opinions and to have that many people reading it, i think im connecting to the world literally..for everyone who make up the 4 digits from all over the world, u guys made me feel proud of myself...

so i THANK YOU...


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